Jurubeba is alledged to be a gastroprotective, digestive stimulant, antiulcerous and a carmativeJURUBEBA

Family: Solanaceae

Genus: Solanum

Species: paniculatum

Synonyms: None

Common Names: Jurubeba, jubeba, juribeba, juripeba, jupela, juripeba, juuna, juvena, jurubebinha, jurubeba-branca, jurubeba-verdadeira

Price: £22.50 – 1lb / 454 gm Bag [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=110]

Parts Used: Leaves, roots, fruit

From The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs:

Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage
  • reduces acid
  • reduces inflammation
  • prevents ulcers
  • decongests
Infusion: 1 cup 2-3
  • stimulates bile
  • increases urination
times daily
  • expels gas
  • reduces fever
Fluid extract: 3-4 ml 2-3
  • supports heart
  • clears obstructions
times daily
  • supports liver
Capsules: 1-2 g 2-3 times daily
  • lowers blood pressure

Jurubeba is a small tree that grows up to 3 m high, with heart-shaped leaves that are smooth on top and fuzzy underneath. It produces a small, yellow fruit and lilac or white flowers. Both male and female jurubeba trees exist; the female grows slightly taller, has larger leaves, and bears fruit. The leaves and roots of both female and male specimens (as well as the fruit) are used interchangeably for medicinal purposes with equal effectiveness. Jurubeba is indigenous to Brazil as well as Paraguay and Argentina.


The indigenous uses of jurubeba are very poorly documented, but its uses in Brazilian herbal medicine have been described quite well. Jurubeba is listed as an official drug in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia as a specific for anemia and liver disorders. Jurubeba has long been used for liver and digestive disorders. In 1965, Dr. G. L. Cruz wrote that “. . . the roots, leaves, and fruit are used as a tonic and decongestive. It stimulates the digestive functions and reduces the swelling of the liver and spleen. It is a good remedy against chronic hepatitis, intermittent fever, uterine tumors, and hydropsy.” The leaves and roots are used in Brazilian medicine today as a tonic and for fevers, anemia, erysipelas, hepatitis, liver and spleen disorders, uterine tumors, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastritis, and other such digestive problems as sluggish digestion, bloating, and flatulence. Jurubeba leaf tea is a very common household remedy throughout Brazil for hangovers. Brazilians love to eat. . . a Brazilian hangover usually means relief is needed as much from indigestion and bloating from overeating as from too much alcohol. It is relied on there to speed the digestive process and promote gastric emptying for just that reason. It is also sometimes employed externally in poultices to heal wounds and ulcers.


Jurubeba’s active constituents were first documented in the 1960s, when German researchers discovered novel plant steroids, saponins, glycosides, and alkaloids in the root, stem, and leaves. The alkaloids were found more abundantly in the root, although also present in the stem and leaves. Solanidine and solasodine were discovered in the leaves and fruit of jurubeba, which probably accounts for its liver-protective properties. The compound solanin, also found in the plant, has been documented in clinical research to possess analgesic activity (possibly through its ability to block pain impulses in the nervous system). The steroids and saponins were found in higher quantities in the root, while the leaves had the greatest amount of glycosides. The plant also has been found to contain a large proportion of bitter properties, which were thought to contribute to its ability to stimulate digestion. The main plant chemicals in jurubeba include: isojurubidin, isopaniculidin, jurubin, jurubidin, jurubilin, paniculin, paniculidin, paniculonin A, paniculonin B, painculogenin, solanin, solanidin, solasodine, and neochlorogenin.


All of the clinical research on jurubeba has been done in Brazil – as the plant and its medicinal uses are not well known outside of Brazil. A recent (2002) study sought to validate the traditional use of the plant as a digestive aid. The root, stem, flower, leaf, and fruit of the plant were found to have anti-ulcer activity. A water extract of the root given orally to mice inhibited gastric acid secretion induced by stress and various chemical agents, as well as prevented gastric lesions from developing. Other extracts were found to inhibit gastric acid secretion in mice with the ulcer-causing bacteria H. pylori. In another study, rats with acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers were given a water extract of jurubeba. The extract also enabled acceleration of chronic gastric lesion healing. Researchers summarized, “Collectively, the results validate folk use of Solanum paniculatum plant to treat gastric disorders.”

Animal studies with cats have indicated that water extracts and alchohol extracts of jurubeba lowered blood pressure, while only the water extract increased respiration. The plant also has been documented to have cardiotonic activity, as evidenced by a stimulant action to the heart in frogs. This positive effect on the heart may be due to the alkaloid solanidine, which has been documented to have this activity.


While jurubeba is a very popular natural remedy, its use has been mostly confined to South America. The plant has demonstrated little toxicity: a recent study showed that a water extract of the flower, fruit, leaf, stem, or root (given orally to mice at 2 g/kg) had no toxicity. It is a great liver tonic and a wonderful remedy for many types of digestive disorders (especially for sluggish digestion), working quickly and efficiently, and is deserving of much more attention in the United States.

Main Preparation Method: infusion or fluid extractMain Actions (in order):
gastroprotective (protects the gastric tract), digestive stimulant, antiulcerous, carminative (expels gas) Main Uses: 

  1. to speed digestion and stimulate digestive function
  2. to provide relief from sour stomach, gas, bloating, and general dyspepsia
  3. for stomach ulcers
  4. to tone, balance, strengthen and protect the liver
  5. to tone, balance, and strengthen the heart

Properties/Actions Documented by Research:
analgesic (pain-reliever), antacid, antiulcerous, cardiotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the heart), digestive stimulant, gastrototonic (tones, balances, strengthens the gastric tract), gastroprotective (protects the gastric tract), hepatotonic (tones, balances, strengthens the liver), hypotensive (lowers blood pressure)Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:
anti-inflammatory, antilithic (prevents or eliminates kidney stones), antitumorous, aperient (mild laxative), bile stimulant (liver), blood cleanser, carminative (expels gas), decongestant, diuretic, febrifuge (reduces fever), nervine (balances/calms nerves), tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)

Cautions: It might reduce fertility in men. It has a mild hypotensive (lowers blood pressure) and stimulant effect on the heart and should be used with caution if you have a heart condition.







Traditional Preparation: One cup of a standard leaf infusion, or 3-4 ml of a fluid extract is taken 1-3 times daily (with or just after meals). One to 2 g of powdered leaves in tablets or capsules (or stirred into water or juice) with meals can be substituted, if desired. See Traditional Herbal Remedies Preparation Methods page if necessary for definitions.


The phytochemical solasodine has been documented to reduce sperm count and have an antifertility effect in male animals. While jurubeba itself has not been documented to have this action, males undergoing fertility treatment should probably avoid using this plant.

This plant has been documented to have mild hypotensive activity as well as a stimulating action on the heart. Those with cardiovascular disorders, hypotension, or those on blood-pressure-lowering medications should only use this plant under the care and direction of a qualified health care professional.

Herbalists in Brazil report that prolonged or chronic use of this plant may irritate the stomach lining in some individuals. Do not use chronically (daily) for longer than 30 days.

Drug Interactions: None known. May possibly potentiate hypotensive medications

Amazonia for alcohol excess, digestive problems, liver disorders, liver tonic, inflammation, spleen inflammation, uterine tumors, water retention
Brazil for abscesses (internal), anemia, anorexia, bile insufficiency, bladder problems, blood cleansing, bloating, boils, catarrh, congestion, contusions, constipation, convalescence, cystitis, debility, diabetes, digestive sluggishness, dyspepsia, edema, erysipelas, fever, flatulence, gallbladder inflammation, gastric disorders, hangover, headache, heartburn, hepatitis, hives, irritable bowel syndrome, itch, jaundice, liver problems, liver tonic, malaria, menstrual disorders, nausea, skin disorders, spleen inflammation, tumors (uterine/abdominal), ulcers (stomach/skin), water retention, wounds
U.S.A. for alcohol excess, digestive sluggishness, gastric disorders, inflammation, liver tonic, spleen inflammation, stomach ulcers, water retention


The above text has been printed from The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by Leslie Taylor, copyrighted © 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, including websites, without written permission.

A complete Technical Data Report is available for this plant.

† The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained in this plant database file is intended for education, entertainment and information purposes only. This information is not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe or replace proper medical care. The plant described herein is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, mitigate or prevent any disease. Please refer to our Conditions of Use for using this plant database file and web site.

Referenced Quotes on Jurubeba

1. “Jurubeba is well-known in Brazil as a hangover remedy. This herb is used after excess food and alcohol consumption to alleviate indigestion and bloating. It is also used for swelling of the liver and spleen, liver disease such as chronic hepatitis or liver obstruction. It helps irritable bowel syndrome.”

2.”Jurubeba helps stimulate digestion and can act as an anti-inflammatory to the liver and spleen. It is excellent for alcohol excesses and acts as a diuretic. Jurubeba has been used to treat uterine tumors and is rich in alkaloids.”

3.”ACTIONS: Eases indigestion, Tonifies liver, Stimulates proper digestion , Reduces swelling of liver and spleen. TRADITIONAL USE: Brazilians believe Jurubeba to be a powerful tonic for the liver. Recognized throughout Brazil as a remedy for liver inflammation and digestive inconveniences caused by excess alcohol consumption. Jurubeba has been found influential in the treatment of liver and spleen dysfunction. It is also a mild diuretic and has been used to treat uterine tumors. It stimulates digestion and is anti-inflammatory to the liver and spleen. MERIDIAN INDICATIONS: Increases Liver / Gallbladder Yang, Dispels fire in Stomach EVA POINTS: Liver, Spleen, Stomach”

8. “Brazilian uses and Folklore: Most Brazilians, after a heavy meal or drinking bout, know how to help themselves the natural way – they drink a cup of Jurubeba tea. After just a few minutes the symptoms of indigestion and that bloated feeling disappear. Jurubeba tea or extract is found in the kitchen closets of most households and many people carry a little bag of tea around with them – just in case. Jurubeba is a powerful tonic for the liver. G. L. Cruz, in his book “Livro Verde das Plantas Medicinais e Industriais do Brasil” (1965, Belo Horizonte, Vol. 11 p. 554) states that “the roots, leaves and fruit are used as a tonic and decongestive. It stimulates the digestive functions and reduces the swelling of the liver and spleen. It is a good remedy against chronic hepatitis, intermittent fever, uterine tumors, hydropsy”. Uses: Influential in the treatment of liver disease (hepatitis, obstruction of); for symptoms of hydropsy, fevers, internal abscesses, uterine tumors. Aid to digestion and tonic.”

19. “Solanum, Jurubeba

MED15: Medicinal uses: treats boils and pimples.”


Nightshade Family, Potato Family

Solanum Linnaeus

With some 2000 species of great variability in form and ecological preference, this genus is one of the largest of the Plant Kingdom. It occurs in temperate and tropical regions around the world and includes herbs, shrubs, vines, often small trees; some species are climbers, a few are stongly spiny. The genus is the source of numerous toxic and medicinal species as well as several food plants: the white potato (Solanum tuberosum), the eggplant (S. melongena), the pepino (S. muricatum), and the naranjillo (S. quitoense). The tomato is frequently classified as a species of Solanum, but it is now evident that its assignment to the allied genus Lycopersicon is fully warranted. The genus is rich in potentially biodynamic principles, particularly alkaloids (Ripperberger, 1981) which are of the tropane, steroid and other miscellaneous types.


Ripperberger, H. And Screiber, K., The alkaloids, Chemistry and Physiology, Academic Press 19 (1981) 81.”

Third-Party Published Research on Jurubeba

All available third-party research on jurubeba can be found at PubMed. A partial listing of the published research on jurubeba is shown below:

Digestive Stimulant, Antacid & Anti-ulcer Actions:

Botion, L. M., et al. “Effects of the Brazilian phytopharmaceutical product Ierobina® on lipid metabolism and intestinal tonus.” J. Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Nov; 102(2): 137-42.

Braga, F. T., et al. Jurubeba. Centro Universitário de Lavras, Lavras-MG Brazil, 2002.

Mesia-Vela, S., et al. “Solanum paniculatum L. (Jurubeba): Potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion in mice.” Phytomedicine 2002; 9(6): 508–14.

Fat Metabolism Actions:

Botion, L. M., et al. “Effects of the Brazilian phytopharmaceutical product Ierobina® on lipid metabolism and intestinal tonus.” J. Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Nov; 102(2): 137-42.

Liver Protective Actions:

Siqueira, N. S., et al. Trib. Farm. Curitiba. 1976; 44(1-2): 101-104.

Leekning, M. E., et al. “Rev. Fac. Farm. Adont. Araraquara 1968; 2(2): 299-300.

Hypotensive & Cardiotonic Actions:

Nishie, K., et al. “Positive inotropic action of Solanaceae glycoalkaloids.” Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 1976; 15(3): 601–7.

Barros, G. S. G., et al. “Pharmacological screening of some Brazlian northeastern plants.” Rev. Bras. Farm. 1970; 48: 195–204.

Barros, G. S. G., et al. “Phamacological screening of some Brazilian plants.” J. Pharm. Pharmac. 1969; 22: 116–22.

Phytochemical Analysis:

Ripperger, H. “Structure of paniculonin A and B, two new spirostane glycosides from Solanum paniculatum L.” Chem. Ber. 1968; 101(7): 2450–58.

Ripperger, H. “Jurubin, a nitrogen containing steroidsaponin of a new structural type from Solanum paniculatum L; concerning the structure of paniculidin.” Chem. Ber. 1967; 100(5): 1725–40.

Ripperger, H. “Isolation of neochlorogenin and painculogenin from Solanum paniculatum L.” Chem. Ber. 1967; 100(5): 1741–52.

Ingredients: 100% pure jurubeba (Solanum paniculatum) leaf powder. No binders, fillers or additives are used. It is a wild harvested product—grown naturally in the Brazilian Amazon without any pesticides or fertilizers.

Suggested Use: This plant is best prepared as an infusion (tea). Use one teaspoon of powder for each cup of water. Pour boiling water over herb in cup and allow to steep 10 minutes. Strain tea (or allow settled powder to remain in the bottom of cup) and drink warm. It is traditionally taken in 1 cup amounts, 2-3 times daily. For more complete instructions on preparing herbal infusions, see the Methods for Preparing Herbal Remedies Page.

Contraindications: This plant has been documented in animal studies to have mild hypotensive activity as well as a stimulating action on the heart. Those will low blood pressure should use with caution and monitor this possible effect.

Drug Interactions: None reported. May possibly potentiate hypotensive medications.

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