Catuaba Extract  is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and libido stimulant for both males and females, to tone, balance and calm the central nervous system and for nerve pain and exhaustionCATUABA EXTRACT


Now you can share the knowledge of the Shaman’s

In Brazil this plant is considered a central nervous system stimulant and used for sexual weakness and lowered libido in both men and women.

For more complete information on this unique rainforest plant, please see the the Database File for Catuaba

Price: £25.95 – 60 mil / 2fl oz [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=69]


Raintree Nutrition’s Catuaba Concentrated Extract uses new and proprietary extraction methods to concentrate and preserve the active ingredients found in this amazing Brazilian plant.

Rainforest indigenous Indians first discovered the libido enhancing qualities of catuaba and over the last centuries have composed many songs praising its wonders.

It is rich in active and beneficial phytochemicals which occur naturally in this plant. The methods used provides the equivalent of approximately 500 mg of catuaba bark per milliliter of extract – resulting in a highly potent concentrated extract.

Traditional Uses: As an aphrodisiac and libido stimulant for males and females; to tone, balance, and calm the central nervous system (and for nerve pain, exhaustion, over stimulation); for nervousness, emotional stress, and insomnia (related to overactive neurotransmitters); as a general tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions); for poor memory, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia

Ingredients: Catuaba bark (Erythroxylum catuaba) extracted in distilled water and 40% ethanol.

Suggested Use: Take 60 drops (2 ml) 2 or more times daily, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

Contraindications: None reported.

Drug Interactions: None reported. This high quality liquid extract from the Amazon Rainforest is a highly concentrated extract of Catuaba – Brazil’s most famous and highly regarded libido booster which was recently featured in a Discovery Health Channel Article by Chris Kilham, Improved Erectile Function Reported

Rainforest indigenous Indians first discovered the libido enhancing qualities of the plant and over the last centuries have composed many songs praising it’s wonders.

In Brazilian herbal medicine, Catuaba is considered a central nervous system stimulant and used for sexual weakness and lowered libido in both men and women.

This nervous system fortifier and male libido enhancer has resulted in the Tupi Indians of Brazil praising its wonders in many songs. Historical uses include its use as a male aphrodisiac and a tonic to the male organs. It is also used for male impotency. It is a strong tonic and fortifier of the nervous system, capable of giving strength to people with general fatigue. It helps eliminate restless sleep and insomnia from hypertension, and has been known to help failing memories.”

“Catuaba is excellent for the male reproductive organs. It can increase circulation and libido. It is famous as a stimulant to the nervous system and brain. It can be used in cases of impotence.”

Discovery Channel Health Article by Chris Kilham

Science on these plants is still modest, but reports in scientific journals and at conferences have supported their use for sexual enhancement. In catuaba, a group of three alkaloids dubbed catuabine A, B and C are believed to enhance sexual function by stimulating the nervous system. In muira puama, chemists have identified a group of sterols including beta-sitosterol, thought to be responsible for the herb’s aphrodisiac effects. In one study using muira puama, 51 percent of men with erectile problems reported improvement, and 62 percent experienced an increase in libido.

After our time in Manaus, Bernie and I boated down the Amazon river where we stayed with Ipixuna and Crinicoru indians in floating shacks on the water. While there we ventured into the rain forest with native guides who showed us catuaba and muira puama trees growing in different places. We also witnessed the harvesting of catuaba bark and its subsequent sale to a local buyer. We learned that most natives use these plants by placing a small handful of their combined barks in a glass of room-temperature water, let the herbs sit overnight, and drink the resulting amber infusion in the morning.

The Shamans

To confirm what we had read about catuaba and muira puama, and what Antonio Matas had imparted, Bernie and I set off to interview a couple of elderly women shamans, both of whom were experts in the preparation and use of Amazon medicinal plants. Each woman told us that the sexual restorative virtues of catuaba and muira puama were significant. One 89-year-old shaman named Therese echoed Antonio’s words when she told us, “Catuaba and muira puama together can make people sexually young again.”

Throughout history, people have sought to increase libido and improve sexual function through the use of reputed aphrodisiac plants. Catuaba and muira puama, two common trees growing widely across the Amazon river basin, enjoy centuries of safe, effective use as bona fide aphrodisiacs. “

Direct from the Amazon, Raintree Nutrition’s Catuaba Concentrated Extract uses new and proprietary extraction methods to concentrate and preserve the active ingredients found in this amazing Brazilian plant. It is rich in active and beneficial phytochemicals which occur naturally in this plant. The methods used provides the equivalent of approximately 500 mgs of catuaba bark per milliliter of extract – resulting in a highly potent concentrated extract;

Published in Healthy & Natural Journal.

Sold in a 60 mil amber glass bottle with a glass eyedropper top, the recommended dosage is 30 drops 1-2 times daily. Each 60 mil bottle has approximately one month’s supply, depending on use.

Herbal Ingredients





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